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Himalaya Darshan Treks Pvt. Ltd

"Experience Naturally Nepal With Us"


Per person - All price inclusive

  • Trip Grade:
  • Max-Altitude:
    Lo manthang 3,820m
  • Best Season:
    All season
  • Trip Mode:
    Tea house
  • Group Size:
    Min 2+
  • Destination:
    Mustang Region

Trip Highlights

  • The Upper Mustang hike, also known as Lo-Mantang, takes you into the secret realm of Mustang’s historic Buddhist monarchy.
  • Explore the Himalayan rain shadow region and a dry zone akin to the Tibetan Plateau.
  • Experience the one-of-a-kindness of rocky pathways, the Mysteries of Sky Caves, and a treeless environment.
  • Beautiful Monasteries; Luri Gompa, Ghar Gompa, and many others were erected in the 15th century.
  • The Tiji Festival is a worldwide prayer for peace.

Upper Mustang Trek

Rocky highland, the narrow river, as well as the Golden terrain and gorgeous Himalayan range, dropped around the valley; the magic of Upper Mustang is beyond Comprehension. Until 1992 the kingdom was apart from a few exceptions closed to a foreigner. The ancient kingdom of Lo Manthang – the trans-Himalayan village of Nepal; Upper Mustang Trek offers wonderful landscapes and colorful barren hills holding interesting myths. Geographically, Upper Mustang is the perfect place to observe the Tibetan plateau and culture; so, visiting Upper Mustang makes you feel like visiting Tibet.

The treacherous paths curved by hand into sheer cliffs, untouched scenery,  spectacular views of whitewashed settlements, snow-capped peaks, hinterland enriched with deep canyons, and fabulous 16th-century monasteries are the major highlights of the treks. The remoteness and inaccessibility have protected well-defined Tibetan Buddhist Culture and remain flourishing as they did many years ago.

Lo Manthang

Finally, the journey to Mustang begins from Jomsom after a scenic flight from Pokhara. Landing at the airport in Jomsom will be a glorious moment for you. Jomsom is famous for breathtaking Himalayan landscapes, apples, and strong winds. The vital point of this varied and long route is a brilliant week of trekking through a wild and uninhabited area.

We finally reach the upper Kali Gandaki Valley; and have several more days to explore the ‘forbidden kingdom’ of Upper Mustang, including a visit to the striking walled settlement of Lo Manthang. If you want to get off the beaten track – try this one!

Tiji Festival Upper Mustang

The attraction of the Mustang region is the Tiji Festival. As you can experience the true life of the real mountain people of Nepal, Upper Mustang Trekking is a rare and privileged opportunity. A special permit is required to travel further from Kagbeni and to the trek, Upper Mustang one will be escorted by a government-appointed official.

Then, the trail leads you to the hidden valley of the ancient Buddhist kingdom. This trek brings a remarkable and rare cultural experience along with an incredible adventure trek, that can make your trip a life-changing experience. The barley fields, whitewashed houses, and Chhortens decorated with flags add a splash of color to the landscape.

Upper Mustang Trek Best Time

Mainly, the Upper Mustang Trek’s best times are Spring (March to May) and Autumn (September to November). The decreasing level of the Kali Gandaki River enables you to take a jeep to further distances. So that, It makes it easy for you to trek. It is located in the rain shadow region of Nepal. The trek is also possible during the monsoon season during June and August but it will be difficult for transportation from the lower part of Mustang or by flight to Jomsom. Even though the Upper Mustang trek is possible during winter, the cold temperature and snow might not suit everyone.

FAQS for Upper Mustang Trek

How long is Upper Mustang Trek?

Normally, the Upper Mustang Trek is 13 to 15 days; Himalaya Darshan Treks offers Upper Mustang Trek a 15-day itinerary and packages. This trek is flexible so you can do this trek according to your holiday time.

How high is Mustang Trek?

The highest point of the Upper Mustang trek is Lo-manthang 3850m and you can day hike from Lo-manthang around 3985 meters so it is the highest point of this trek.

How difficult is Upper mustang trek?

Basically, Upper Mustang trek is not so difficult if you are physically fit and have experience. Normally, you have to walk for 6 to 7 hours a day. It is 13 to 15 days trek and there are no adventure high passes so it categorized moderate trekking trail.

Why is Upper Mustang famous?

The Upper Mustang is very famous because once there was a kingdom of the Mustang king, Very old and historical monasteries, more than 400 caves, a Magic landscape and dramatic clay cliff, and a unique history and culture make Upper Mustang  worldwide popular

What is the entry permit for the Upper Mustang?

You need two different types of entry permits to visit Upper Mustang, It is a restricted area so you need a special permit and it is in the Annapurna conservation area too so you need ACAP (Annapurna conservation entry permit). With these two permits, you are allowed to visit Upper Mustang.

How much does the Upper Mustang trek permit cost?

The UMT Special Permit Cost is –USD 500 per person (for the first 10 days). Likewise, USD 50 per person, per day. Beyond 10 days. The ACAP permit cost is NRs 3000 per person per entry.

How much does the upper Mustang trek cost?

There are no exact costs for the trek; different trekking agencies offer different costs with different packages. The cost depends on your group size and quality of services. Himalaya Darshan Treks offers an Upper Mustang trek 15-day package with cost of $1950 per person.

Why is the Upper Mustang restricted?

The unique culture and history of this region, a magic landscape, Environment, Border security and Desert area of Nepal are the reason of Upper Mustang restricted.

Do we need a guide for the Upper Mustang Trek?

Of course, you have to do this trek with guide, the guide is necessary for the restricted area and special area trek route like Upper and lower dolpo, Kanchenjunga, Manaslu etc.

Are you ready to book this trip for your lifetime experience?

To book this trip or for more inquiries, click Book this trip from our web page. Likewise, we have many different trekking and tour packages so you can choose your best and most suitable trek with us. We suggest early booking so you have enough time to prepare for the trek. We are ready to organize your travel bucket list trek. You can also contact us by WhatsApp at +977 9841073239 for quick inquiries.



Day 1, Arrival in Kathmandu Airport (1,400m) and transfer to hotel.

We, Himalaya Darshan Treks heartily welcome you and your group to Nepal. One of our company staff will take you to your hotel in Kathmandu. The person will be waiting outside the baggage hall of the Tribhuwan International Airport, Kathmandu, holding an A4-size paper with your name and our company name. So, you have to look for that person for your pick up from the airport. Your check-in at the hotel.

Day 2, Free Day or Sightseeing.

Today is a free day to explore Thamel Or Sightseeing in world heritage sites such as Swoyambhunath (Monkey temple), Boudhanath, and Pashupatinath then back to the hotel. This day is required to make an Upper Mustang Trek Special Permit with your original passport. Stay at the hotel.

Day 3, Drive to Pokhara and transfer to hotel.

Our journey begins with a tourist bus ride from Kathmandu to Pokhara. Pokhara will take approximately 6 hours to reach by tourist bus. On the trip, you’ll be able to take in the stunning Himalayan scenery. After arriving, you can relax in a nice hotel or explore the lovely city of the lake.

Day 4, Flight to Jomsom (2,720m), Trek to Kagbeni (2,810m).

We’ll fly to Jomsom, the district capital of Mustang, from Pokhara airport. If the weather is clear, you will be treated to amazing views of the hill and mountains during the 30-minute journey. Both Dhaulagiri and Annapurna look spectacular from the airplane. The walk itself begins in Jomsom. To go to Kagbeni, we’ll have to hike for 4 hours. Kagbeni is the gateway to Upper Mustang, located on the banks of two rivers. We need to show/check in our entry permit here. Stay at the guest house.

Day 5, Trek to Tsaile (3,050m). Stay at the guest house.

Today, we’ll continue our journey towards the Kali Gandaki River’s bank. Tangbe Village, constructed of white-washed mud and tiny lanes, will be your destination today. The apple garden and buckwheat fields can be seen along the road. After crossing the Kali Gandaki Valley, we must ascend to Tsaile. Stay at the guest house.

Day 6, Trek to Geling (3,500m). Stay at guest house.

The morning walk from Tsaile begins with a climb to Gyakar village, followed by a trek across dry and barren terrain to Samar town, one of the most beautiful communities in the Mustang region.

Following a short walk from Samar village to Bhena and then a difficult climb to the ridge top of Yamada La pass at 3,860 meters, affording a spectacular view of Mustang and the high slopes of Mt. Dhaulagiri. From here, it’s a downward trek to Gelling village.

Day 7, Trek to Tsarang (3,620m). Stay at guest house.

Our journey today begins with a descent down a rocky and generally slick path. We begin ascending after passing a suspension bridge across the Ghami Khola. Along the route, you’ll come across some stunning mani walls. After that, we walk to Tsarang village through the 3870m Tsarang La Pass. The town is located at the summit of the Charang Chu canyon, with a massive castle to the east and a crimson gompa.

Day 8, Trek to Lo manthang (3,840m). Stay at guest house.

We begin our adventure by going downwards to a canyon and crossing a river before beginning our ascent to 3,950m. From the top of the pass, you may get a good view of the lovely Lo Manthang settlement. Then it’s down to Lo Manthang, a lovely walled settlement. The views of the Himalayas, including Tilicho, Nilgiri, Tilicho and Annapurna I, Bhrikuti Peak, and Damodar Kunda (pond), are quite good from this location.

Day 9, Rest Day/ Excursion Day

Lo Manthang is a fortified settlement in Nepal’s remote Upper Mustang area. We spend the day hiking to Jhampa, Thupchen, and Chhoeda, the town’s three largest gompas. Over the last two decades, these three gompas have been expertly restored. Tingkhar, a lovely settlement northwest of Lo-Mangthang, is also a possibility.

Day 10, Trek to Dhakmar (3,810 m). Stay at guest house.

When we return from Lo-Manthang, we’ll take a different path. Our trek passes via Gyakar hamlet, where a century-old Ghar Gompa with exquisite rock murals may be found. Anyone who makes a wish at the Gompa is claimed to have their request granted. We continue our journey to Drakmar after exploring the Gompa.

Day 11, Trek to Ghiling (3,806m). Stay at guest house.

To avoid high winds, we start our trek early in the morning and walk downward for most of the journey. Before arriving at Ghiling, we walk through a barren plateau and farmland. We are expected to meet severe gusts on our faces, making the walk challenging. Ghiling is mostly dry, but the Nilgiri and Dhaulagiri mountains are still visible. In the evening, you can go for a walk around the village.

Day 12, Trek to Chusang (2,980m). Stay at guest house.

After breakfast, we set out on our journey. We take the same route up to Lo Manthang as we did before. We may enjoy amazing views of the Himalayas and little villages we travel through on the road to Chusang.

Day 13, Trek back to Jomsom (2,720m). Stay at guest house.

After breakfast, we set out on our journey. We take the same route up to Lo Manthang as we did before. We may enjoy amazing views of the Himalayas and little villages we travel through on the road to Jomsom.

Day 14, Flight to Pokhara transfer to hotel.

We get up early in the morning and fly to Pokhara on a lovely trip. Flying through a gorge between the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountains is an incredible experience in and of itself. After landing in Pokhara and transferring to the hotel. You can spend your free time visiting the gorgeous lake city’s streets.

Day 15, Drive to Kathmandu by tourist bus transfer to hotel.

After breakfast, we depart Pokhara’s stunning northern skyline and return to Kathmandu. After arriving in Kathmandu, you can relax or go shopping for souvenirs. In the evening, you will attend a goodbye supper to commemorate the journey’s completion.

Day 16, Final Departure.

This will be the last day of your trip to Nepal. One of our staff will take you and your group to Tribhuwan International Airport, Kathmandu for your final departure. We wish you and your group safe flights with unforgettable memories from your Nepal trip. Hope to see you again.

Trip Includes

  • Airport pick up and drop by private vehicle (Domestic/International).
  • Transportation, Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara to Kathmandu by tourist Bus.
  • Flight from Pokhara to Jomsom to Pokhara for guests and guides.
  • Staff transportation from Pokhara to Jomsom to Pokhara by drive.
  • Experienced guide and staff with salaries, food, accommodation, and insurance(1 porter for 2 trekkers).
  • 3-night hotel in Kathmandu and 2-night hotel in Pokhara with bed and breakfast, twin sharing.
  • Twin-sharing teahouse accommodation and 3 times meals during the trek,( Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner) One cup of Tea/Coffee with a meal.
  • All government and local taxes.
  • Upper Mustang Trek special permit.
  • Annapurna conservation entry permit
  • First Aid medical kit, an Oximeter to check pulse, heart rate, and oxygen saturation at higher altitude
  • Emergency Helicopter service arrangement (If needed) which will be paid by your Travel Insurance Company.
  • We will arrange a Duffel bag, Sleeping bag, Down Jacket, and warm hat (If you don’t have your own.)
  • Himalaya Darshan Treks branded T-shirt as a souvenir.
  • Upper Mustang trek achievement certificate.
  • Farewell dinner with culture program.

Trip Excludes

  • Lunch and Dinner in Kathmandu.
  • Extra night accommodation in Kathmandu and Pokhara than the scheduled itinerary.
  • Flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara to Kathmandu.
  • Your expenses (Laundry, bar bills, battery recharge, Wi-Fi, bottle or boiled water, hot shower, etc.)
  • Tips for guide and staff. (Tipping is expected)
  • Travel insurance.
  • Nepal entry visa fees
  • Desserts Sweet things like chocolate, cake, pie, pudding, etc.
  • Any other expenses that are not mentioned in the cost include.
  • Sightseeing in Pokhara and Kathmandu.

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Fixed Departures

Trip Dates Price Space Left
Aug 03, 2024 - Aug 18, 2024 USD 1765 4
Aug 21, 2024 - Sep 04, 2024 USD 1765 8
Sep 06, 2024 - Sep 21, 2024 USD 1765 4
Sep 23, 2024 - Oct 07, 2024 USD 1765 6
Oct 02, 2024 - Oct 17, 2024 USD 1750 2
Oct 21, 2024 - Nov 04, 2024 USD 1750 4

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